6 Ways to Give Valuable Feedback at Workplace

Feedback has a significant value in workplaces. Delivering valuable feedback contributes to employees’ professional growth. When you find effective ways to give feedback in the workplace, you will easily see a change in employees’ achievements. It will also prevent any self-defense and low motivation. Before sharing the guide to provide valuable feedback we will be learning what valuable feedback is.

What is Valuable Feedback?

Valuable feedback is a tool that helps to create a positive environment in workplaces. With this tool, you can share opinions about a performance or manner with employees. Valuable feedback comes from good intentions. By approaching friendly and professionally you make a good change in their life and by giving the energy that you are on their side, you avoid any unnecessary discussions. When you see an ineffective manner or behavior you must feel comfortable delivering feedback to contribute company’s and employees’ development by considering the tips in the following.

Valuable feedback contributes to professional growth.
Valuable feedback contributes to professional growth.

6 Ways For  Delivering Valuable Feedback in the Workplace

We mentioned that feedback is an important part of professional life. Without them, having others’ opinions on a performed task will not be possible. Following that, if something is wrong it will not be corrected. Delivering valuable and effective feedback will carry the company and employees’ future to a higher level. Here are the 6 ways for delivering effective feedback.

1. Start with the Positive

To prevent any self-defensive approach, the best you can do is start with a positive comment. You can bring the success that the employee achieved in a close time to the table. You can start the sentence with “Alan, I really admired what have you done in this project. You are becoming a very good example for the team.” It will be encouraging for the employees to hear about their success. It will naturally increase employee motivation.

An important point here is to stop after the positive comment. Give time to the employees to understand their success. Otherwise, they may think that you said that sentence just to say. Wait for their response. Then you can continue with your constructive feedback.

2. Specify

Be specific with your feedback. Unless you do not specify the feedback, it will not be possible to take an action because it will be very vague for the employees. For example; instead of saying you are not good at time management, you may say you need to develop your skills in arriving on time at meetings.

Leanne Renninger says that; “We want to be able to specify exactly what we want the other person to increase or diminish. And if we stick with blur words, they actually won’t have any clue particularly on what to do going forward to keep repeating that behavior.”

Being specific is very important for valuable feedback.
Being specific is very important for valuable feedback.

3. Don’t Use “But”

An effective tip for valuable feedback is to remove “but” or any similar word from the sentence. When you use “however”, “although” and words giving the same energy all the positive sentences you said before will lose their meanings in the employee’s eyes. So, be aware to not involve these words in your feedback. Instead, you may use “following that”, or “besides that”.

4. Be Objective

Being objective is very critical for feedback. Unless you do not refer to feedback that you observed yourself, the employees may feel like defending themselves. To prevent it, do not take personnel habits into consideration. Make the situation your focus. When you focus on the situation, they will not take it personally. They will see the problem and why it is important.

5. Give Effective Advice

Valuable feedback starts with positive feedback, continues with constructive feedback, and ends with effective advice. Effective feedback builds a trustful relationship with employees. They see that you are concerned about the problem and you care about their success.

Build a trustful relationship with the employees.
Build a trustful relationship with the employees.

6. Make a Summary

To be sure that they received your message properly, you need to make a summary of your perspective. A precise summary will greatly help the employee to understand the main point better. Also, you can tell them to ask you questions if there is an unclear message in their mind.


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